Remember the days when "Jackie" magazine arrived, and the first thing you flipped to was the personality quiz? Fast forward to today, and we're bombarded with quizzes on our Facebook feeds. It seems we can't resist the urge to participate, even if we don't really care about the results. It's all about joining the fun, right? So, have you ever thought about whether you're a ripple or a flake?
Personality quizzes have a peculiar way of shedding light on our behaviours and motivations. Sometimes, they nudge us to commit to change, prompting us to take action to make things better.
In a recent discussion, I touched upon the foundational aspect of your business journey: understanding what your venture truly represents and how you show up each day.
Most of us venture into direct selling as a side gig, a way to earn some extra cash, or a hobby that pays the bills. However, as time passes, our actions don't always align with the evolving nature of our business. Sometimes, we start with a business-oriented mindset but end up unintentionally embracing a hobbyist approach.
The hustle and bustle of daily life can often divert our attention from our original goals. That's why I'm here to help you flip the switch and illuminate your path. Take a moment, grab a pen and paper, and jot down your initial thoughts in response to these questions:
Do you have a business or a hobby? There's no right or wrong answer; trust your gut feeling.
Based on your answer to question 1, are you clear on what you want to achieve with your business/hobby? It's essential to have a clear vision.
How are you showing up each day, considering your previous responses? Imagine you're your own boss – would you give yourself a raise or a warning? Are you late for work because you were hanging out the washing, or did you slack off for a coffee with a friend?
How do you hold yourself accountable? Accountability is a superpower unique to human beings. In our community, we have a monthly accountability session, and those who attend tend to make more significant progress. Do you set goals, create plans, maintain to-do lists, and regularly review your progress? Or do you find yourself drifting along, becoming increasingly frustrated with your lack of advancement?
The allure of Network Marketing lies in its freedom and flexibility. It can coexist with raising children, pursuing education, or even building another business. Yet, this very freedom can become a double-edged sword if we consistently prioritize other commitments over it. In such cases, it's no surprise when newcomers who have their eye firmly on the ball achieve the success we've been secretly coveting for years.
It all begins in your mind, and it plays out in your actions. So, are you in? Are you ready to be a resilient ripple or risk crumbling like a flake? I'm standing up as a ripple. Who's with me on this illuminating journey?
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